Results for 'L. B. [Russian] '

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  1. Ocherki po istorii moldavsko-russko-ukrainskikh filosofskikh sviazeĭ, 17.-20. vv.L. B. Shteinman & Akademiia de Shtiintse A. Rssm (eds.) - 1977 - Shtiintsa.
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    Reflections on Reading Popper.L. B. Bazhenov - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (2):7-22.
    An enormous amount of philosophical literature gets published nowadays. Some of it is good; some is fit only for pulping. We get into the habit not so much of reading as of glancing through the torrent that pours down on us. But sometimes special conditions arise. It so happened that I was forced to spend about a month in the hospital. I took with me the book Evolutionary Epistemology and the Logic of the Social Sciences: K. Popper and His Critics (...)
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    Japanese Philosophy: Approaches to a Proper Understanding.L. B. Karelova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 8:7-22.
    Since the role of the Asian countries is increasing in the modern world, their philosophical traditions attract more and more attention. Due to this trend, a more complete panoramic view of the development of world philosophy as a whole is accessible, and it has become possible to understand that any constructions of the human mind that have arisen in a particular cultural field of experience cannot be regarded as exemplary and absolute. The researchers of Asian philosophies concentrate mostly on studying (...)
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    Understanding in mathematical science.L. B. Sultanova - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (1):33-39.
    In the article, the phenomenon of understanding in mathematics is studied. This topic is relevant in contemporary philosophy of science, in which the classic dichotomy of ‘understanding-explanation‘, characteristic of classical science, undergoes serious transformations. One reason for this transformation is a quantitative increase in the flow of information in modern science. It is clear that in such a situation you want to hold a serious understanding of this information in the context of modern scientific picture of the world. As the (...)
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  5. "The Russian Way" and Civil Society.L. M. Vorontsova & S. B. Filatov - 1996 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 35 (2):6-20.
    There are practically no sincere and consistent "Westernizers" left in our country after the almost universal "Westernist" euphoria at the end of the eighties. This applies equally to active politicians of all camps and to the predominant moods in society.
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    “Russian Paris” and the Rising Star of Nikolay Gumilyov.L. V. Vyskochkov, A. A. Shelaeva & O. B. Sokurova - 2018 - Philotheos 18 (1):117-126.
    The article is dedicated to the early, Paris period of life and literary work of Nikolay Gumilyov (1906–1908), which is still insufficiently studied and understood by scholars. The paper aims to study the influence of this period on shaping Gumilyov’s personality and his spiritual values and aspirations, polishing of his literary taste, gradual gaining of an independent ideological and aesthetic platform and development of his inimitable poetic style. – The research for the paper was based on the comprehensive historical and (...)
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    А.C. Danto and P. Ricœur: Narrative as a Tool of Historical Knowledge.B. L. Gubman - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 10:143-159.
    The article comparatively analyzes A.C. Danto’s and P. Ricœur’s theories of historical narration. Ricœur’s synthetic assimilation of Danto’s views is interpreted as a characteristic phenomenon of the dialogue between hermeneutics and analytical philosophy, and in a broader perspective – of contemporary European continental and Anglo-American philosophical traditions. The version of the analytical philosophy of history developed by Danto is interpreted as being formed in the course of overcoming epistemological program of logical positivism under the impact of a platform of linguistic (...)
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    The Moral Elite in Contemporary Russian Society.Anatoly L. Zhuravlev & Alla B. Kupreichenko - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):26-50.
    The authors analyze the specific features, character, composition, social functions, and problems of formation of a moral elite.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin.Joshua L. Cherniss & Steven B. Smith (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Isaiah Berlin was a central figure in twentieth-century political thought. This volume highlights Berlin's significance for contemporary readers, covering not only his writings on liberty and liberalism, the Enlightenment and Romanticism, Russian thinkers and pluralism, but also the implications of his thought for political theory, history, and the social sciences, as well as the ethical challenges confronting political actors, and the nature and importance of practical judgment for politics and scholarship. His name and work are inseparable from the revival of (...)
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    Russkie filosofy: konet︠s︡ XIX-seredina XX veka: biograficheskie ocherki, bibliografii︠a︡, teksty sochineniĭ.A. D. Dobrokhotov, S. B. Nevolin & L. G. Filonova (eds.) - 1993 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Knizhnai︠a︡ palata".
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    New Principles of the Classical Reason.B. Pinchard - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 9:7-17.
    The classical Reason is too often linked with the conquest of Nature and with modern scientific and technological world. But Bruno Pinchard shows that this kind of philosophizing is a source of freedom in the relation that is endeavored to be established between Faith and Rationality. The classical Reason is equidistant from the might of science and the dogmas of faith. This Reason is an actualization of pure thought. In this perspective, the author declares 12 propositions that would need to (...)
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    (1 other version)Lopez-Escobar E. G. K.. A non-interpolation theorem. English with Russian summary. Bulletin de l'Académic Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 17 , pp. 109–112, V. [REVIEW]H. B. Enderton - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):457-458.
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    (1 other version)B.N. Chicherin.S. L. Chizhkov - 1991 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (3):7-24.
    The fate of liberalism in Russia almost automatically brings to mind the image of something tragic, of something that perished in its very prime. The fate of the theoreticians and political leaders of liberalism, from B.N. Chicherin to P.A. Stolypin and P.N. Miliukov, reflects the fate of the movement itself—disgrace, exile, violent death. The Bolshevik October Revolution can be dated as the final ruin of the liberal movement in Russia. The lifespan of Russian liberalism thus dates from the middle of (...)
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  14.  8
    Russkiĭ kosmizm: N.F. Fedorov, K.Ė. T︠S︡iolkovskiĭ, V.I. Vernadskiĭ, A.L. Chizhevskiĭ.A. G. Gacheva, B. I. Pruzhinin & T. G. Shchedrina (eds.) - 2022 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
    Fenomen russkogo kosmizma -- Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov -- Konstantin Ėduardovich T︠S︡iolkovskiĭ -- Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadskiĭ -- Aleksandr Leonidovich Chizhevskiĭ.
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    An Unread Page.L. A. Kogan - 1999 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 37 (4):38-52.
    Recalling the banishment of Russian philosophers in 1921, Boris Zaitsev remarked "only Shpet is forgotten." But Gustav Gustavovich Shpet was not "forgotten" and he was not the only one who succeeded in avoiding expulsion at that time. Among the humanists of prerevolutionary-stamp who continued to work in Soviet Russia after 1922, we can list P.P. Blonskii, A. A. Bogdanov, A.N. Giliarov, S.A. Zhebelev , A.F. Losev, V.N. Ivanovskii, R.V. Ivanov-Razumnik, N.I. Kareev, A.O. Makovel'skii, V.N. Murav'ev, E.L. Radlov, B.G. Stolpner, P.A. (...)
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    The Hegelian Roots of S. L. Frank’s Ethics and Social Philosophy.George L. Kline - 1994 - The Owl of Minerva 25 (2):195-208.
    Semën [Simon] Liudvigovich Frank was born in Moscow, the son of a doctor. He studied law at Moscow University, joined a student Marxist group headed by P.B. Struve, and as a result was barred by the Russian authorities from living in any of the Russian “university cities.” He continued his university education at the Universities of Berlin and Munich. His first published work was a critique of Marx’s theory of value. Between 1902 and 1905 he divided his time among Berlin, (...)
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    The Sources for Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.B. V. Sokolov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 27 (4):25-45.
    Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita was written between 1929 and 1940. Although delayed for a quarter of a century, it quickly found a stable place in our life as soon as it was published [for the first publication of the novel see: Moskva, 1966, no. 11; 1967, no. 1]. It is usually classified as a satirical philosophical novel. The satirical element puts it in the same family as such well-known works of the end of the '20s as the (...)
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    Vučković Vladeta. Partially ordered recursive arithmetics. Mathematica Scandinavica, vol. 7 , pp. 305–320.Vučković Vladeta. Einführung von Σƒ und Πƒ in der rekursiven Gitterpunktarithmetik. German, with Bulgarian and Russian summaries. B′lgarska Akadémia na Naukité, Izvéstiá na Matématičéskiá Institut, vol. 6 , pp. 15–25. [REVIEW]R. L. Goodstein - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (3):251-252.
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  19. Aksiomy folʹklornogo opyta v trudakh russkikh mysliteleĭ pervoĭ treti XX veka: (V.V. Rozanov, P.A. Florenskiĭ, E.N. Trubet︠s︡koĭ, B.P. Vysheslavt︠s︡ev, I.A. Ilʹin, A.A. Vanovskiĭ).A. L. Nalepin - 2022 - Moskva: Imli Ran.
    Rossii︠a︡. Folʹklor v trudakh Rozanova, Florenskogo, Trubet︠s︡kogo -- Ėmigrat︠s︡ii︠a︡. V rassei︠a︡nii sushchie ot Berlina do Tokio -- Russkai︠a︡ ėmigrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i i︠a︡ponskiĭ folʹklor.
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  20. The Philosophy of N.F. Fedorov.L. A. Kogan - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (4):7-27.
    Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov is one of the most original and as yet inadequately studied Russian thinkers. Neither a professional philosopher, nor a well-known scholar, nor a critical essayist, he led a kind of double existence while working as an ordinary civil servant, developing his original philosophy at his leisure in the hours free from his intensive daily work. Fedorov's life was one of selflessness and self-denial, not at all eventful outwardly. He graduated from the Gymnasium in Tambov and completed three (...)
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  21.  21
    Eurasianism as “Revealing Russia’s Essence” and “Gold Reserve of Life”.Julia B. Mehlich - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (4):337-347.
    This article presents the understanding of Eurasianism as an expression of Russia’s essence in the works of N.S. Trubetskoi, P.P. Suvchinskii, P.N. Savitskii, and L.P. Karsavin. We use the cognitive category “historical collective individuality” for a more complete and deeper understanding of Eurasianism as a set of views and approaches, as well as a certain specialized social community of its representatives. The use of this category allows us to reveal Eurasianism as an area of ideas expressing the essence of Russia. (...)
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  22.  31
    A Philosophical Critique of Soviet Marxism.Der sowjetrussische dialektische MaterialismusDer dialektische Materialismus. Seine Geschichte und sein System in der Sowjetunion.George L. Kline - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):90 - 105.
    "Professor B. Petrov" is actually the nom de plume of Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev, a professor of philosophy in the Faculty of Law at Moscow University from 1917 to 1922, well known in Russian émigré circles as the author of a number of technically competent and stylistically brilliant studies in philosophy and psychology. His last published work, The Crisis of Industrial Civilization: Marxism, Neo-Socialism, Neo-Liberalism, is a significant contribution to social philosophy. Vysheslavtsev is distinguished by a scholar's intimacy with the philosophic (...)
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    Problems of Philosophy and Sociology in Light of Decisions Taken at the 23rd Congress of the CPSU.M. B. Mitin - 1967 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (4):3-13.
    The question of the role of science in the development of our society, and the role of the social sciences in particular, loomed large in the decisions of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. This was a consequence of the tasks posed by the present stage of the building of communism. The proceedings and decisions of the Congress emphasized the rapid advance of science, its increasing influence upon all aspects of the material and intellectual life of society, and the need (...)
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    Russian Philosophy. Edited by James M. Edie, James P. Scanland, M. B. Zeldin & Geo. L. Kline. Three Volumes. Chicago, Quadrangle Books; Toronto: Burns & MacEachern Limited. 1965. pp. vii. 1277. $27.00 per set. [REVIEW]Louis J. Shein - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):114-116.
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    B. Dunham, R. Fridshal, and G. L. Sward. A non-heuristic program for proving elementary logical theorems. English, with French, German, Russian, and Spanish summaries. Information processing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing, Unesco, Paris 15–20 June 1959, Unesco, Paris, R. Oldenbourg, Munich, and Butterworths, London, 1960, pp. 282–285. - B. Dunham, R. Fridshal, and J. H. North. Exploratory mathematics by machine. Recent developments in information and decision processes, edited by Robert E. Machol and Paul Gray, The Macmillan Company, New York1962, pp. 149–160. - B. Dunham and J. H. North. Theorem testing by computer. Proceedings of the Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Automata, New York, N. Y., April 24, 25, 26, 1962, Microwave Research Symposia series vol. 12, Polytechnic Press of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1963, pp. 173–177. [REVIEW]Joyce Friedman - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):266-266.
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    Is “Analytic Philosophy” a Philosophy?Alexander L. Nikiforov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (8):7-21.
    The article discusses the issue of the nature of analytic philosophy. It is shown that in the 1920s–1940s it was a certain philosophical school, whose representatives were united by some initial principles. Analytic philosophers saw the main task of philosophy in the analysis of the language of natural sciences, in establishing logical connections between scientific propositions, in the empirical substantiation of scientific theories and in the elimination of speculative concepts and proposals from the language of science. The tool for such (...)
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    Vyacheslav Ivanov on Pushkin’s The Gypsies: The Antinomy of Individualism and Freedom.Aleksandr L. Dobrokhotov - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (3):260-269.
    This article discusses the foundation of ideas for Vyacheslav Ivanov’s interpretation of Pushkin’s poem. In The Gypsies, Ivanov sees a conflict between personal freedom and sobornost’ as revealed b...
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  28. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Monadic second-order properties of very sparse random graphs.L. B. Ostrovsky & M. E. Zhukovskii - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (11):2087-2101.
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  30. L'Oriente dei libertini.B. L. B. L. - 1989 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (1):115.
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    Classifier systems and genetic algorithms.L. B. Booker, D. E. Goldberg & J. H. Holland - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):235-282.
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    Arboriculture in Clinical Ethics: Using Philosophical Critical Appraisal to Clear Away Underbrush in Ethical Analysis and Argument.L. B. Mccullough - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (1):1-5.
    This paper introduces the 2011 number of the Journal on Clinical Ethics. Philosophical critical appraisal is essential for the success of philosophical analysis and argument in clinical ethics. To clear away conceptual underbrush, papers in this Clinical Ethics number of the Journal address genetic engineering, conscience-based objections to forms of health care, placebos, and preventing exploitation of patients to be recruited to become research subjects.
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    Grice's intentions.L. B. Lombard & G. C. Stine - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 25 (3):207 - 212.
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    Why Does Evil Exist?L. B. Geiger - 1974 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 23:231-235.
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    Toward a quantitative theory of secondary reinforcement.L. B. Wyckoff - 1959 - Psychological Review 66 (1):68-78.
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    Beneath the Black Robes of Ignatius and Mariana: Limited Liberty within an Interventionist Order.L. B. Edgar - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):16-27.
    The Society of Jesus sprang from the devout faith of a sidelined soldier who traded in his weapons to form a militant order of Catholic Reformers sworn to serve the Papacy as missionary soldiers of Christ. Specialization in education led Jesuits to roles as theologians of the 16th Century, including as members of the School of Salamanca, whose Jesuit members mostly took pro-market positions on free enterprise. One learned Jesuit in particular deviated from his order’s default position of papal dirigisme (...)
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  37. Rationality as Passion: Plato’s Theory of Love.L. B. Amir - 2001 - Practical Philosophy 4 (3):6-14.
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    Some comments on'value in education' by Johanna Burgess.L. B. Daniels - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 8 (2):237–250.
    L B Daniels; Some Comments on ‘Value in Education’ by Johanna Burgess1, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 8, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 237–250, https.
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    Once again about the “New dress of the King”, or social construction and the internet as a “trap”.L. B. Sultanova - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
  40. Knowledge or control as the end of art.L. B. Cebik - 1990 - British Journal of Aesthetics 30 (3):244-255.
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  41. Instruments and rules: R. B. Woodward and the tools of twentieth-century organic chemistry.B. L. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):1-32.
    The paper illustrates how organic chemists dramatically altered their practices in the middle part of the twentieth century through the adoption of analytical instrumentation - such as ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy - through which the difficult process of structure determination for small molecules became routine. Changes in practice were manifested in two ways: in the use of these instruments in the development of 'rule-based' theories; and in an increased focus on synthesis, at the expense (...)
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    Le « Dieu de l'espérance ».L. -B. Gillon - 1974 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 30 (1):55.
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    On the suspicion of an art forgery.L. B. Cebik - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):147-156.
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    A hidden anagram in Valerius flaccus?L. B. T. Houghton - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):329-332.
    In Virgil's third eclogue, the goatherd Menalcas responds to his challenger Damoetas by offering as his wager in their contest of song a pair of embossed cups,caelatum diuini opus Alcimedontis, decorated with a pattern of vine and ivy. In the middle of this design, he says, are two figures. One is the astronomer Conon, and the other—at this point Menalcas, afflicted with a sudden loss of memory, professes to have forgotten the name of the second figure, and breaks off into (...)
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  45. Davies, Stephen, Themes in the Philosophy of Music.L. B. Brown - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (1):125.
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    (1 other version)A bill of rights for human subjects of research: a proto-draft.L. B. Cebik - 1990 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (1):25-33.
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    Genevieve Lloyd., Being in Time: Selves and Narrators in Philosophy and Literature.L. B. Cebik - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):145-146.
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    Notes sur l’Union pour l’action morale.B. L. - 1903 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 2:413-420.
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    Sexual puns in ovid's ars and remedia.L. B. T. Houghton - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (1):280-.
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    Tibullus' elegiac underworld.L. B. T. Houghton - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):153-.
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